Menu ID: 1 Width: 0xFFFF (type = zero fill in template) Height: 0xFFFF (type = zero fill in template) ProcID: 0 0x1530 (type = zero fill in template) Enabled flags: 0xFFFFFFF7 Title:  Items: (zero-terminated list) Items[0] Name: About The Dungeon of DoomÉ Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[1] Name: About LightspeedCªÉ Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Items[2] Name: - Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x00 Mark character: 0x00 Style: 0x00 Note: template did not parse all data in resource; remaining data: 00